
WARM CLOTHING DAY at Guiseley Methodist Church supporting Emmaus charity’s work with the homeless. We shall be repeating this worthwhile collection of unwanted warm clothing on Saturday 1st February -10.30am – 12.00pm As usual, tea and coffee will be served. Please tell your friends and families.

Wednesday 12th February 2.30 pm – Group 13 – Michael Dodd on CAP

Thank you to all those who attended the Planning For Growth Roadshows. If you weren’t able to attend one of the presentations, you can watch a video which shows the slides with the audio of the meeting.

Methodist Women in Britain Yorkshire West District
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 4th March on Zoom at 7pm.
‘How shall we do justice?’ The speaker will be Rachel Lampard who is a former Vice President of the Conference and is the lead person in the Connexional Team on issues of social justice. Learn more about Rachel’s current role and the milestones along her journey. Look out for a poster in the foyer with details on how you can obtain the link

Calling all ladies!
As you know, the World Day of Prayer will take place on Friday 7th March.
To help lead the singing, as in the past, we are hoping to form a small choir to go through the songs/hymns for this service. Choir practices will take place on Monday 17th February at 2pm and Monday 24th February at 2 pm in the Fellowship Room.
On Monday 3rd March at 2pm, there will be a full run-through of the service at St Peter’s Church, Rawdon. Any ladies wishing to join the choir will be very welcome. Either have a word with Julie or just turn up on the 17th.

Friday 7th March

World Day of Prayer Service

St Peters Church, Rawdon, starting at 2 pm. Prepared by the Christian Women from the Cook Islands it is titled “I made you wonderful”.

Sunday 16th March.

Lenten Lunch for Christian Aid


18th February – Rev. Keith Reed

Mission in Britain will be celebrated on Sunday February 23rd.

The service will be led by the Rev Cameron Stirk who has the Circuit responsibility for New Places for New People project in Otley. Envelopes will be available at the service for your contributions towards this worthy cause Alternatively, donations can be made directly using BACS to the church account. The total amount collected last year was over £1532, for which we are very thankful and look forward to your continued support.



Monday evenings Term time,

5.30pm – 7.00 pm

This children’s group is for all children of Primary school age. 

Activities include of a lot of games,

a snack and a short talk promoting Christian values. 

Run jointly with Guiseley Baptist Church.


Thirty minutes of fellowship and quiet reflection. Open to all.

Calling all knitters/crocheters!

We meet on Mondays from 9.30-11.30am, producing many items for charities. New members always welcome. Alison and Yvonne

Food Bank
The Food Bank (held at Rawdon Trinity on behalf of the Trussell Trust) is very grateful for the donations received from our Church every week, especially at the moment when even more people are struggling with bills and needing the help of the Food Bank and donations slowing down, for the same reason. We have been asked, if possible, to include toiletries, soap, shampoo & toothbrushes for both for men and women.

Wednesday evenings in Guiseley Methodist Church at 7.30 p.m

Inner Wheel of Aireborough

Monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of each month (but no meeting in January).

7.00pm for 7.30pm start