Church Council

Minutes of the Church Council Meeting 11 June 2024

  1. Rev. R S opened the meeting with prayer and welcomed MW, a new member of our Church Council, and NR and AP as returning members.
  • Two apologies were received
  • Minutes of last CC were amended slightly and then signed as correct
  • Items from Annual Church Meeting
    • Possible Group meeting to study ‘Waking up to God’ by Neil Richardson, starting September.
    • Smaller tables and lighter chairs being considered to ease Coffee situation.
  • Transforming lives

a)    Eco Church  –  Share a service with St Oswald’s when they achieve a silver award?

Our collecting of medicine blister packs is a great success. Might we go for gold?

b)     Training under way for new Circuit appointees; CAP debt centre has no physical base it is done by phone and home visits .       Volunteers will be needed to train to help with this. J, E and M will conduct a Café Style service here on 21st July.

c)    Activity possibilities     

Alpha course for church family then for more people who are more newly linked to our church

J will keep in touch with children’s groups and What’s the Story in order to get to know the families

Looking into possibility of working with dementia sufferers in their own homes

CAP life schools to help people newly freed from debt to remain debt free. Jean still to see the material

Various ideas re interactive sessions – Café Church, Wellbeing in the Faith at Ghyll Royd and Primrose Court. Helpers would be appreciated

Something similar to the Breathe meetings now being held at Menston

Any other suggestions – please see J S

  • Sharing the Gospel

a)    JS has finished her training as Worship Leader and Council congratulated her and happily agreed that she take up this post in our church. Please see AN to request a printed Plan quarterly.

b )   Sunday morning worship; Once a month will hopefully feature a different kind of service, still to include everyone but catering for different preferences of worship.

NB  We should not assume that everyone knows our worship routines are if they are not regular attenders.  Powerpoint can be put onto people’s tablets; please see Roger.

Digital copy of Communion services is available – KR will discuss with A S.

c)    Future Dates:

Revd Roberta Topham will lead Church Anniversary worship on 2nd March 2025.

Murder Mystery and meal planned for Sat 5th October (Harvest weekend).

Quiz and Games Night planned for summer. (J S and SO)

  • Sustaining hope

a    Safeguarding and safer recruitment training is undergoing change. Everyone who has a role in church will be given a role description; the safeguarding team is working on a role description for pastoral visitors. More foundation training is coming in the autumn –  details later.

b)    Treasurer’s report.  This had been circulated and accepted and various aspects were discussed. K announced that he will retire as Treasurer in July and TM has agreed to take up the position with Initial guidance from K. Council wa`s delighted to approve T as Treasurer.  K confirmed that we have money from legacies to use where we feel it is needed.

c)    Council agreed to investigate using some of this money to ensure older people, no longer able to come to church, are visited on a regular basis. At Christmas, Easter and Harvest we do contact everyone on our lists of members and adherents, but there is no list of people who no longer attend church.  Pastoral committee to be asked to review these questions.

d)   Gift Aid report had been circulated and was accepted

e)    Property report also accepted. J will look into a possible regular booking of the hall and report back to Property.

  • Any other business

a)    CS  has kindly agreed to become a Communion Steward with DP

b)    Funeral Stewards: Substitutes for APand DP may be required at times. Council members agreed that most would make themselves available if required.

  • Next meeting: 22 October 2024 at 7.00pm         

Attendees will be listed on the notice board