We’ve got SILVER!,
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Eco Church – An A Rocha UK Project

In order to do more for our community, we have managed to gain MICE funding (Members Improvements in the Community and the Environment) from our local councillors.
We have now got a large box from Terracycle so that we can recycle medicine blister packs at Church, and they do not end up in landfill.
The box costs £209 as to separate the aluminium foil from the plastic is more expensive than the value of the component parts. It may be an idea to write a letter to the manufacturers of the medicine and encourage them to rethink the packaging
Why not calculate your family’s carbon footprint? Click on this link:-https://www.climatestewards.org/offset/

Have a look at the interesting resources and information on the ‘GREEN CHRISTIAN’ Website: – https://greenchristian.org.uk/